
Frequently Asked Questions


The processing suite has been designed to be portable and can be loaded both onto laptop PCs for field use, as well as larger PC's for final data presentation in the office. The software makes extensive use of commercially available programs for the data presentation aspects of a project. In particular all graphical plotting is undertaken in a CAD environment reducing the need to develop specific printer drivers.

We use a GeoAcoustics high frequency side scan sonar system with a dual frequency tow-fish. The system consists of a towed underwater fish which sends out short high frequency, high intensity sound bursts which are beamed from either side of the fish in a direction perpendicular to the direction of travel.

For a majority of this work we use a EGG Uniboom sub-bottom profiling system. For high resolution surveys not requiring deep penetration we use an ORE Pinger and for projects requiring deep penetration where high resolution is not as essential, we use a Sparker. The boomer system consists of an insulated metal plate and rubber diaphragm adjacent to a flat wound electrical coil mounted on a towed catamaran.

Clydeside Surveys Ltd use the latest in automated software packages, which enables us to provide our clients with data far quicker and far more cost effectively than even a few years ago. As we use the latest in mobile communications systems our surveys can be carried out, processed (including full QA) and transmitted to our client's own email server - all within 24 hours!